As long as you use skills that don't require specific targeting, heroes should be fine. They also like to spam, so don't include 8 25 energy skills or they'll be sitting around empty all the time.
Also, please at least give them some energy management. I've seen too many ele's who don't even carry attunements or GoLE for themselves, only 7 or 8 fire spells. I shudder at what they've given their poor heroes.
Interrupts are good, they do it better than most people you'd find in a pug. Actually, I'm usually surprised if I actually see anyone with an interrupt in a pug. But still, heroes are good at it.
Try and give them at least some defence, a ward, blind, weakness etc. Between that and kiting, you should be able to simply ignore them. Do your own thing, and know that they'll keep themselves alive.
Not sure about your margrid and epidemic. I know my olias spams epidemic on recharge, but my party is full of DW, burn, bleed, weakness, poison and disease so he's got plenty to work with. But that's in pve. Been awhile since I played the zaishen elite, but I remember most teams were pretty good at keeping some separation so they're not all standing adjacent to each other. And since they're not next to each other, you can't epidemic them. Might want to go back to the zaishen challenge before that (can't remember what its called) and choose to fight the IWAY team. They're likely to be in close quarters so you can see if margrid epidemics then.